Qiuyu GaoYan has successfully defended his PhD dissertation
Qiuyu GaoYan ’s dissertation was prepared under guidance and mentorship of his academic supervisor, Alexander Vladimirovich Lukin.
The defense committee was composed of the following esteemed members:
• Karneev Andrey Niyazovich (HSE, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chairman of the defense committee)
• Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina Olegovna (Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, member of the defense committee)
• Kanaev Evgeny Alexandrovich (HSE, Doctor of Historical Sciences, member of the defense committee)
• Senyuk Ninel Yuryevna (HSE, Candidate of Economic Sciences, member of the defense committee)
• Igor Remualdovich Tomberg (Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, member of the defense committee)
Qiuyu GaoYan ’s work received high praise from the dissertation committee members. In a unanimous decision, they elected to recommend to the Dissertation Council for International Affairs and International Regional Studies that Qiuyu GaoYan be conferred the degree of Candidate of Political Sciences ‘cum laude ’ .
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Qiuyu GaoYan and Alexander Vladimirovich Lukin on this remarkable achievement!
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