
Applications are open until April 18
April 04, 2024

Chaired by Dmitri Bondarenko, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute of Africa, and Director of theInternational Centre of Anthropology at the HSEFaculty of Humanities, the Dissertation Council comprises prominent Russian Orientalists and Africanists from HSE University and other leading institutions.
April 03, 2024

Applications for the fourth HSE University Competition of the Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers will be accepted from February 1 to March 15. The authors that receive the highest scores from the expert jury will be awarded on June 6—Russian Language Day. The main goal of the competition is to support and promote Russian language as a language of science, as well as to popularise works affiliated with HSE University among the global Russian-speaking audience.
February 01, 2024
On November 22, 2023 was hold the defense of dissertation of Qiuyu GaoYan on the topic “Political Factors of Chinese Outbound Foreign Direct Investment (1991-2017)”
November 24, 2023

To successfully defend a doctoral dissertation, PhD candidates need not only the support of their academic supervisor and close friends and relatives, but also system-wide assistance from the university department or faculty where they study. However, HSE University researchers have found that such support can take different forms and that each has a different effect on how confident a student feels in their ability to successfully defend their dissertation. The results of their study were published in the journal Higher Education Quarterly.
June 06, 2022

International students interested in joining HSE University can apply for full-tuition scholarships from the Russian government. Applications for the 2022/23 academic year are open from March 1–11. We spoke to HSE University doctoral students about their work and about how scholarships have helped them pursue their research goals.
February 25, 2022

Attend the webinars to learn more
February 15, 2022
How studies will be arranged from October 25 to December 30.
October 22, 2021

Classes in the new academic year will take place on site for students of all HSE University campuses. Existing COVID safety precautions will remain in effect.
August 17, 2021