Семинар Аспирантской школы по политическим наукам

Мероприятие завершено

13 апреля в 16:40 на платформе zoom состоится очередное заседание Научного семинара АШПН. С докладом "Unable or Reluctant? Multilevel Determinants of the EU Members’ (Non-)Compliance with the European Union Law" выступит А.Сорбалэ (научный руководитель доц. А.А.Декальчук). Язык выступления: английский

Аннотация доклада:
The paper presents the preliminary findings of the study of (non-)compliance in the European Union. In the last 15 years one can observe the pool of the EU member countries becoming more and more differentiated by the total number of the EU law violations as well as their types: (1) notification failures, (2) incomplete transpositions, (3) incorrect implementations and (4) improper applications. Analyzing 25,516 cases of violation of the European Union law by 28 Member States from May 1993 to May 2018, I strive to determine the group- and individual-level determinants of this differentiation. As a key method of analysis, logistic regression is used, where factors of the coalition role and voting strategies are taken as the group level attributes, while GDP per capita (PPP), polarization of the parliament, fragmentation of the party system, strategies of regional authorities and quality of governance are used as country attributes. The analysis demonstrates that all country attributes are significantly related to the four quartiles of the outcome, which rank member states depending on the number of violations during the period under review: from the smallest share of violated directives (Q1) to the largest share of violated directives (Q4). One of the group-level factors, voting strategies, also demonstrates its significant relation to all quartiles of the outcome.

Sorbale_PhD seminar 

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