Семинар Аспирантской школы по политическим наукам

Мероприятие завершено

27 апреля в 16:40 на Научном семинаре АШПН с докладом выступит Умит Назми Хазыр (научный руководитель - проф. О.Ю.Малинова). Тема доклада - "Patterns of Contemporary Anti-Westernism: Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism in Turkish and Russian Foreign Policy Discourses". Рабочий язык семинара - английский. Семинар будет проходить онлайн.

As a counter-discourse to westernization, Neo-Eurasianism and Neo-Ottomanism have emerged in order to respond Russia’s and Turkey’s quest for identity, civilization and international position in the Post-Cold War era. These two world views have been more discussed and known after 2000 due to the shift in the post-2000 Turkish and Russian foreign policies including more orientation towards the East and rising Anti-Western discourse. Especially, Neo-Ottomanism, which is an Islamist based world view, has become a main vector in the post-2002 Turkish foreign policy under the AKP and Erdoğan rule. Both Neo-Eurasianism and Neo-Ottomanism have a critique of the West and offer the concepts of geopolitics, identity, foreign policy and alternative modernity to the West. Based on constructivist approach, this study analyzes and compares Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism in the context of Anti-Westernism. Through the interpretivist methodology of discourse analysis, this study analyzes the books and articles of most leading Turkish Neo-Ottomanist and Russian Neo-Eurasianist intellectuals and political experts tied to prominent Turkish and Russian think-tanks. The analysis covers their publications from 2000 up to today. This study argues that contemporary Anti-Westernism has manifested in Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism with various aspects as anti-modernism, anti-secularism, anti-Western paradigm, anti-liberalism, anti-Americanism, anti-globalism and anti Western dominated world order. This study aims to conceptualize and uncover patterns of contemporary Anti-Westernism.

По вопросам участия в семинаре обращаться к Карпич Юлии Владимировне,    ykarpich@hse.ru.