
HSE University Classes to Be Held On Site for All Students

HSE University Classes to Be Held On Site for All Students
Classes in the new academic year will take place on site for students of all HSE University campuses. Existing COVID safety precautions will remain in effect.

The Upcoming Academic Year at HSE University

The Upcoming Academic Year at HSE University
And the safety measures in place on campus

The Interdisciplinary Approach in Our International Laboratory Is not Just Empty Words

The Interdisciplinary Approach in Our International Laboratory Is not Just Empty Words
This October, the Doctoral School of Arts and Design, together with HSE Art and Design School and Goldsmiths College, launched a new project. The Performance Artistic Research Laboratory (PeARL) brings together artists and scholars of various fields to collaborate in studies and experiments to develop ‘Practice as Research’ (PaR).

‘Artists and Designers Play a Crucial Role in Establishing a Vision of Humanity That Is Sustainable, Equitable and Ethical’

Dr Laini Burton, Senior Lecturer and QCA Honours Program Director at the Queensland College of Art in Australia, studies body politics, bio-art and design, fashion theory, performance and body/spatial relations. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, she will be delivering a presentation entitled ‘Inside Out: Prosthetic Organs as Wearable Art’.

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE
From February 1, 2018, new rules will apply to dissertation defense for Candidate of Sciences (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (DS) degrees. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector at HSE, helped us understand what has changed, as well as how it is necessary to prepare for the defense process.

Admission for Doctoral Studies Kicks Off

Admission for Doctoral Studies Kicks Off
Applications are now being accepted for HSE doctoral programmes. The 2018 procedure is similar to that used by many international universities: exams can be sat online and in English, and HSE can now confer its own academic degrees. Sergey Roshchin, HSE Vice Rector, told the HSE News Service about how the procedure has changed.