Priority Research Areas
Areas of research involving the possibility of an employment grant
Development of Autonomy and New Opportunities to Human Enhancement in Education
This is a strategic project of the Higher School of Economics, which focuses on the development of human potential for the Russian economy and society. Everything that has to do with independence is called differently - agency, proactivity, autonomy, etc. - and this is probably the most serious deficit in education. School and university prepare a specialist with knowledge and skills in a particular field, but there is an increasing need for someone who can learn, able to master new things throughout life, able to make decisions and act in a rapidly changing world. The project seeks to explore the landscape of opportunities for developing independence within and outside of educational settings, as well as the effects and drivers of these opportunities.
Supervisor: Evgeny Terentev, Director of the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Analysis of the Transformation of Educational Systems in Post-Socialist Countries
A unique natural experiment was realized in the former USSR, when separate parts of the same educational system developed quite differently. A comparison and search for patterns and reasons for these or those effects can be very promising - different centers of the HSE Institute of Education study both universities, schools, and supplementary education from this point of view. This "natural experiment" can also be understood more broadly, encompassing the entire former socialist bloc, from Eastern Europe to China.
Supervisor: Isak Davidovich Frumin, Professor Emeritus, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Empirical Research into the Transformation of Higher Education
There have been so many changes in the higher education system in recent decades that there are enormous opportunities for observations and conclusions to be found here. And today the system continues to change (everyone hears discussions about the Bologna system), and in the recent past there were “Project 5-100”, the creation of federal and flagship universities, a forced transition to distance learning, which fundamentally changed higher education, from hybrid forms of study to mods for network programs.
Supervisor: Niyaz Gabdrahmanov, Head of the University Development Laboratory, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Priority areas of research
Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education
Universal competencies as the basis of student experience in Russian universities
Getting into a higher educational institution, the student is immersed in a new environment for himself and begins to acquire new experience, which includes both specific knowledge and competencies mastered during the educational process, and values, attitudes, communication experience and solving educational and life problems. One possible research question that lies in the area of interest of the PEP "Modeling and assessing competencies in higher education" is how universal competencies (such as critical thinking, self-regulation, communication, problem solving and teamwork) help to create a successful learning experience in higher education. Based on the data of the longitudinal study, which is currently being implemented by the HSE Institute of Education, it will be possible to look at the role of universal competencies in shaping student experience. Within this topic, it is also possible to develop tools for measuring universal competencies, which will then be used in a longitudinal study. Work on this topic will be carried out jointly with colleagues from the Center for the Sociology of Higher Education at the HSE Institute of Education.
Supervisor: Ekaterina Alekseevna Orel, Head of the Design and Training Laboratory for Modeling and Assessing Competences in Higher Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Modern Possibilities for Measuring Progress in School Education: Conceptualization, Operationalization and Modeling
In order to describe and convincingly interpret current trends in education, it is important to use a combination of theoretical conceptualization of the studied phenomena and special methods for analyzing assessment results in areas of interest to the researcher. Important, but difficult from a research point of view, is the problem of measuring progress in learning. Despite the fact that there are different approaches to measuring progress in learning, including, for example, monitoring educational trends and monitoring individual educational progress, in specific cases, the solution of the methodological problem of measuring progress requires a separate in-depth study.
Supervisor: Alina Evgenievna Ivanova, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Designing and Measuring New Literacies for The Complex Challenges of the Modern World
Complex literacies, competencies and skills such as digital literacy, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and others can be more accurately measured using performance assessment tools that present realistic scenarios and realistic tasks. This way of grading is better suited to reflect the current digital context, the multitasking and complexity of today's world. However, the construction and measurement of new types of literacy faces a large number of theoretical and methodological challenges that require in-depth research work.
Supervisor: Alina Evgenievna Ivanova, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Neurocognitive Research of Educational Formats
The aim of the study is to find an answer to the question of how various pedagogical formats and types of educational activity affect human cognitive functions, and if such an effect is present, how it is explained at the level of human brain. The study consists of four parts:
· a systematic review in which we collect existing educational formats described in academic publications;
· research of teachers' experience on the subject of what formats they use in their activities (in order to narrow the circle of the studied formats to those that are implemented in practice);
· cognitive research, in which we monitor how long-term use of one activity format affects the cognitive abilities of students;
· neuroscience research using neuroimaging methods, in which, if an influence was found in the previous stage, we examine what functional and structural changes have occurred in the brain that cause changes in cognitive functions. As a result of the study, we are striving to create a database of pedagogical formats with an indication of which zones and how this or that type of activity affects, which in the future will allow us to form a more correct learning trajectory for children, depending on the characteristics of their brain development.
Supervisor: Anastasia Vladimirovna Petrakova, Research Fellow, Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Pinsky Center for General and Extracurricular Education
Using data to manage the development of educational systems (regional, local, educational organizations) and / or to evaluate the effectiveness of management measures (projects, development programs)
Various aspects of data-based management in general and extracurricular education at different levels of management (regional, local, educational organizations). Transformation and up-to-date models of managerial activity using evidence-based methods. Models of using data to evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies (projects, development programs). Quality management (models, mechanisms, approaches) of school education based on data.
Educational failure, difficulties in learning and behavior of schoolchildren
Predictors, factors, features of the manifestation of educational failure, learning difficulties for different groups of students (age, gender, disabilities), schools, territories.
Methods, technologies, prevention programs, correction of learning difficulties, overcoming educational failure
The prevalence and characteristics of the manifestation of various behavioral difficulties of the student in the school environment, the reaction of the school to these difficulties. School organization factors: school climate, teacher behavior strategies, school interaction with parents, etc. Programs for the prevention of behavioral difficulties in school students.
Educational inequality in general and extracurricular education
Factors, features of manifestation for different groups of students (age, gender, disabilities), schools, territories. Methods, technologies, prevention programs, overcoming educational inequality in general and extracurricular education.
Effects of children's participation in extracurricular education
Features of the manifestation of various effects from extracurricular education for different groups of students (age, gender, disabilities), as well as areas, types of programs and technologies (including distance ones) of extracurricular education.
Supervisor: Sergei Kosaretsky, Director of the Pinsky Center for General and Extracurricular Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Center for Modern Childhood Research
Relationships of self- and socially regulated learning with factors of school failure in elementary school students
Supervisor: Diana Akhmedjanova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Programs, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Representations and practices of the family and teachers as a factor in the soft transition of the child between the levels of education
Supervisor: Nisskaya Anastasia Konstantinovna, Research Fellow, Center for Contemporary Childhood Research, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Laboratory of Digital Transformation of Education
Digital transformation of educational organizations processes at different levels of education
Various aspects of digital transformation of organizations of general, vocational and higher education. Transformation of educational, managerial and scientific processes. Measurements of digital transformation.
Effects and Efficiency of EdTech
Edtech market research. Effective strategies for integrating digital products into the educational process at different levels of education. Educational effectiveness of digital products built on the basis of advanced digital technologies (AI, immersive technologies, IOT, Blockchain).
Supervisor: Ivan Karlov, Director of the Laboratory for Digital Transformation of Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research
Foresight and forecasting in education
Forecasting the transfer of educational initiatives and interactions between players in the educational space (in economic, social and professional terms).
Forecasting the level of involvement of different types of educational service providers in the processes of professional training, ensuring personal growth and development.
Development of a methodology for detecting, analyzing and amplifying weak signals in education and building predictions based on them.
Forecasting the processes of redistribution of income flows between various niches of the educational market and the growth rates of education submarkets
Innovative capital of an individual and a team in a rapidly changing world.
Digital Leadership and Digital Innovation Management
Structure of digital leadership and management: creating organizational digital synergy.
Breaking the Digital Binarity/Exclusion: A Cross-Cutting Socio-Economic Analysis to Set Directions and Agree on Priorities.
Supervisor: Diana Olegovna Koroleva, Head of the Laboratory for Innovation in Education, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics