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Assignment for Seeking a Candidate of Sciences Degree without Enrolment in a Doctoral Program (as being an applicant)

The Assignment of individuals seeking a Candidate of Sciences degree without enrolment in a doctoral program is carried out annually from October 1 to June 30. The Assignment to the HSE doctoral program as being an applicant is carried out on a fee basis according to the following fields of studies. 


List of documents for the Assignment:

 1.  Application for the Assignment as an applicant;

Application for the Assignment as an applicant 

 2.  Copy of the personal identification document;

 3.  Copy of the specialist/master's diploma and its appendix;

For individuals who received the education abroad – the original document of education and (or) foreign qualifications (hereinafter – the document of foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications) (or its duly certified copy), if the education certified by this document is recognized in the Russian Federation at a level not lower than higher education (specialist’s or master's degree) in accordance with Parts 1 – 3 of Clause 107 of the Federal Law under the date of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ "Concerning the Education in the Russian Federation", as well as in the case statutorily required in the Russian Federation, the original certificate of recognition of a document of foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications at a level not lower than higher education (specialist’s or master's degree) (or its duly certified copy).

 4.  List and copies of published (including co-authored) scientific papers and (or) obtained patents (certificates) for an utility model, industrial design patents, patents for selection inventions, certificates concerning programs for electronic computers, databases, integrated circuit topologies, duly registered, signed by the applicant (if available);

 5.  Certificate(s) of passing candidate examinations, the list of which is determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

Candidate examinations have to be passed in the branch of Science corresponding with the scientific field where the Assignment is carried out. Individuals who passed candidate examinations abroad have to submit a certificate of the validity of the document concerning passing candidate examinations issued by the federal executive authority exercising control functions and supervision in the field of education.

6.  Application Form;

Application Form (DOCX, 21 Kb) 

7.  Photos (3x4), 2 pcs.;

8.  Data about the preliminary title of the dissertation topic and a detailed plan of the dissertation.

A personal identification document and a diploma of higher education (for individuals who received education abroad – a diploma and a copy of the certificate of its recognition on the territory of the Russian Federation) are submitted by an applicant personally or by a proxy upon presentation of a proxy notice issued and executed in accordance with the established procedure, indicating the powers granted to the proxy.

Assignment procedure

For considering issues related to the Assignment of applicants there is a Commission for Assignment issues which includes academic staff of the Higher School of Economics in the relevant field and the academic director of the Doctoral School in the relevant field.

In order to attach the most capable and prepared for independent scientific activity individuals for the preparation of a dissertation, the Commission selects among the individuals who submitted all the necessary documents for Assignment.

The decision of the Commission is documented with a record and signed by its chairperson.

According to the results of the selection, within 30 working days from the date of acceptance of all the necessary documents for Assignment, the Higher School of Economics notifies the applicant about the decision taken by the Commission to assign or to refuse to assign (with the grounds for the decision to refuse to assign) in accordance with the manner specified in the application of the applicant.
A contract is obtained with an applicant within 10 working days after the commission makes a decision to assign an individual.

Contract (DOC, 98 Kb) 

Within 10 working days after the conclusion of the contract about the Assignment for the preparation of the dissertation, the Rector of the Higher School of Economics issues an order concerning the Assignment of an individual to the Higher School of Economics with the indication of the assignment term and the approval of the academic supervisor.

The order of the Assignment is posted within 3 working days after its publication on the corporate HSE website in the Internet for a period of 3 years.

 Assigned individuals are notified about the Assignment within 5 working days after the issue of the Assignment order in accordance with the manner specified in the application for Assignment.