Programme Design
The Doctoral programme (third cycle) consists of 180 credits (3 years) in humanities and social sciences and 240 credits (4 years) in natural sciences, of which 30 credits are for coursework and 140 (201) credits for a research project.
Individual Study Plan
After enrollment each doctoral student makes an indudual study plan according to the structure of his/her doctoral programme.Thе individual study plan includes
- courses,
- a teaching internship,
- a research project.
Professional courses
Doctoral school organizes courses and transferable skills seminars as part of the Doctoral programme. All courses are available in English.
Course formats: lectures, seminars, practical or doctoral seminars, transferable skills workshops, master classes.
Most doctoral programmes require a minimum of five courses. Professional courses shall generally be completed in the first two years of the doctoral programme.
Courses are offered in the first or the second semester, but usually in the first semester.
More information about the courses can be found on each Doctoral school’s webpage.
Research related activities
Doctoral programmes involve the completion of original academic research. The four required components are: a dissertation, publications, conferences, and doctoral seminars.
Work on the dissertation is the most important part of doctoral education. Your dissertation is a presentation of the results of the research you conducted.
Publications are a necessary prerequisite for the student to be able to defend his/her doctoral dissertation.
The results of their research are usually presented in various publications:
- articles in scientific journals with an international referee system or other international peer reviewed publications (either published or accepted for publication)
- articles/contributions in scientific monographs
- articles in scientific journals with an national referee system
- working papers in proceedings and journals
- communications at international conference integrally published in proceedings
Conference participation
One's contributions (as an author, oral or poster) to an international or national conference can be included in the doctoral study plan. The specific requirements are to be verified and confirmed by the Doctoral school.
Doctoral Research Seminar
All doctoral students must complete doctoral student research seminar. Seminars are offered by each Doctoral school. The seminar is designed for discussions of a wide range of topics and concentrate on theoretical issues, research methods and practices.
Teaching at University
To help doctoral students acquire teaching skills, a teaching requirement has been included in the programme. Teaching internship consists of the following activities:
- teaching BA or MA course (part of a course) as a teacher, co-teacher, or teaching assistant (a 3-credit graded course);
- tutoring and curatorial fellowship;
- teaching in the BA or MA summer schools.
To ensure that the programme is completed in due time doctoral student's progress is monitored biannually.