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Doctoral Programmes and Fields of Study

Field of Study
(Educational programme)

       Scientific specialty         
Duration of Study
1.1. Mathematics and mechanics
(Mathematics and mechanics)
1.1.1. Real, complex and functional analysis      4 years  Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg
1.1.5. Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics  Moscow
1.1.2. Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics  MoscowNizhny Novgorod
1.1.3. Geometrics and Topology  MoscowNizhny Novgorod
1.1.4. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics  Moscow
Saint Petersburg
1.2 Computer and Information Science

(Computer Science)
1.2.1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg
1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
1.2.3. Theoretical Computer Science, Cybernetics Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg
1.3 Physical sciences
(Physics and astronomy)
1.3.1. Space Physics, Astronomy
4 years Moscow  
1.3.3. Theoretical Physics 4 years Moscow
1.3.6. Optics 4 years Moscow
1.3.8. Low-temperature Physics 4 years Moscow
1.3.10. Condensed matter physics 4 years Moscow
1.3.11. Physics of semiconductors 4 years Saint Petersburg
1.3.8. Condensed-matter physics 4 years (Doctoral school of Thechnical Science) Moscow
1.4 Chemical Sciences
(Solid State Chemistry)
1.4.15. Solid State Chemistry 4 years Moscow
1.5 Biological Sciences
(Molecular Biology)
1.5.3.  Molecular Biology  4 years  Moscow
 2.2 Electronics, photonics, instrumentation and communications
(Electronics, Radiotechnics and Communication Systems)
2.2.2. Electronic Component Base of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Devices  4 years  Moscow
2.2.3. Technology and Equipment for the Production of Materials and Electronic Devices 4 years Moscow
2.2.10. Metrology and Metrological Supervision 4 years Moscow
2.2.13. Radio engineering, including TV devices and systems 4 years Moscow
2.2.14. Antennas and microwave devices and technologies 4 years Moscow
2.2.15. Systems, Networks and Devices for Telecommunications 4 years Moscow
2.3 Information technology and telecommunications

(System Analysis. Math Modeling. Information Technology) 

(Mathematical and Computer Systems Software)

(Information Security)

2.3.1. Systems Analysis, Control Theory, and Information Processing 3 years Moscow
2.3.2. Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Production 3 years Moscow
2.3.3. Computing Systems and their Elements 3 years Moscow
2.3.5. Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Systems, Complexes and Computer Networks (Mathematical and Computer Systems Software) 3 years  Moscow
Saint Petersburg
2.3.6.  Methods and Systems of Information Security (Information Security)  3 years  Moscow
2.3.7. Computer Modeling and Design Automation (System Analysis. Math Modeling. Information Technology)   3 years  Moscow
2.3.8. Informatics and information processes  3 years  Moscow
5.3 Psychology

(Psychological Studies)

5.3.1  General Psychology, Psychology of Personality, History of Psychology 3 years Moscow
5.3.5 Social Psychology, Political and Economic Psychology
5.2 Economics



(Public administration)

5.2.4 Finance 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.2.3 Regional and Sectoral Economy 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg
5.2.1 Economic Theory 3 years Moscow
5.2.5 World Economy 3 years Moscow
Saint Petersburg
5.2.2 Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods of Economics 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg
5.2.6  Management 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg

5.2.7. Public Administration and Sectoral Policies

 3 years  Moscow
5.4 Social Sciences


5.4.1. Theory, Methodology and History of Sociology 3 years Moscow
5.4.2. Economic Sociology 3 years Moscow
5.4.3. Demography  3 years Moscow
5.4.4. Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes 3 years Moscow
Saint Petersburg
5.1 Law
5.1.1. Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences 3 years Moscow
5.1.5. International Legal Sciences 3 years Moscow
5.1.3. Private Law (Civilistic) Sciences 3 years Moscow
5.1.4. Criminal Law Sciences 3 years Moscow
5.1.2. Public Law (State Law) Sciences 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.5 Political Science 

(Political Science)


(International Relations and Regional Studies)

5.5.1  History and Theory of Politics 3 years Moscow
Saint Petersburg
5.5.2 Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies Moscow
Saint Petersburg
5.5.4 International Relationships  (Political Science) Moscow
5.5.4 International Relationships (International Relations and Regional Studies) 3 years Moscow
5.8 Education and Pedagogical Studies


5.8.1 Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education 3 years Moscow
5.8.2 Theory and Methodology of Training and Education  3 years  Moscow
5.8.7 Methodology and Technology of Professional Education  3 years  Moscow
5.9 Philology

(Linguistics and Literature Studies)

(Modern Languages)

(Communications and Media)


5.9.1. Russian Literature and Literature of the Peoples of the Russian Federation 3 years Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.9.2. Literature of the peoples of the world  3 years  Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.9.3. Literary theory  3 years  Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.9.4. Folklore  3 years  Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.9.5. Russian language. Languages ​​of the peoples of Russia  3 years  Moscow
5.9.6. Languages of Peoples of Foreign Countries (Modern Languages)  3 years  Moscow
5.9.8 Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics  3 years  Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
5.9.9. Media Communications and Journalism (Communications and Media)  3 years  Moscow

5.6 Historical Studies 

(Historical Studies and Archeology) 

(Historical Studies)

(Domestic Politics and International Relations in the Contemporary Era)







5.6.1. Russian History (Historical Studies and Archeology)

3 years


5.6.1. Russian History (Historical Studies) 

3 years

Saint Petersburg

5.6.2 General History (Historical Studies and Archeology ) 

 3 years


5.6.2 General History (Domestic Politics and International Relations in the Contemporary Era)

3 years


5.6.3. Archeology

 3 years


5.6.4. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography (Historical Studies)

 3 years

Saint Petersburg

5.6.5. Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Studies

 3 years

5.7 Philosophy
5.7.1 Ontology and Epistemology 3 years Moscow
5.7.2 History of Philosophy 3 years Moscow
5.7.4 Ethics 3 years Moscow
5.7.5 Logic 3 years Moscow
5.7.6 Philosophy of Science and Technology 3 years Moscow
5.7.7 Social and Political Philosophy 3 years Moscow
5.7.8 Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture 3 years Moscow
5.7.9 Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies 3 years Moscow
5.10 Fine and Applied Arts and Architecture

(Art and Design)

5.10.1. Theory and History of Culture and Art 3 years  Moscow 
5.10.3. Types of Art

 5.12 Cognitive Sciences

(Cognitive Sciences)

5.12.1 Interdisciplinary studies of cognitive processes  3 years  Moscow