
HSE University Classes to Be Held On Site for All Students

HSE University Classes to Be Held On Site for All Students
Classes in the new academic year will take place on site for students of all HSE University campuses. Existing COVID safety precautions will remain in effect.

‘One Year of Combined-Track Studies Expands Students’ Research Horizons’

‘One Year of Combined-Track Studies Expands Students’ Research Horizons’
HSE University continues to develop its new study format for students embarking on a research career: the Combined Master's-PhD track. This year, there will be 75 places for Master’s students on the track—two thirds more than last year. HSE Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin talks about the appeal of the combined-track option, how to enrol, and the achievements of last year’s applicants.

Ümit Nazmi Hazır told about "Patterns of Contemporary Anti-Westernism"

Ümit Nazmi Hazır told about "Patterns of Contemporary Anti-Westernism"
On 27 April 2021, the Doctoral School of Political Science at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted an online seminar via Zoom. Ümit Nazmi Hazır, who pursues a Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Olga Malinova at HSE, delivered a presentation on his Ph.D. research at the online seminar

Application through Federal Quota is open

Application through Federal Quota is open
International students are elible to apply for full-tuition scholarships provided through the Federal Quota Scheme funded by the Russian government

PhD student of Doctoral School of Political Science has received a grant from BISA

PhD student Iryna Zhyrun, a PhD student of Doctoral School of Political Science, has received a grant from BISA. She is a student of the Doctoral School of Political Science and has received Founders Fund from British International Studies Association (BISA)

HSE Congratulates PhD Recipients in 13 Disciplines

HSE Congratulates PhD Recipients in 13 Disciplines
Of the original 300 students enrolled in doctoral programmes set to graduate this year, only 126 reached the final stage of the process—the dissertation defence. While congratulating the recent class of graduates, HSE Vice Rector Vyacheslav Bashev noted that such a large attrition rate testifies to the seriousness of those who have made it to graduation. ‘Though many of you work, you continue to invest in yourselves intellectually,’ he said.

Erasmus+ program in Italy

Erasmus+ program in Italy
From April till July 2019, a PhD student of doctoral school of political science at HSE, Iryna Zhyrun participated in Erasmus+ exchange program at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, Italy

XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
On April 6-10, 2020 in Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), with the support of the World Bank, will be hosting the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. The Conference's Programme Committee will be chaired by Professor Evgeny Yasin, HSE University's academic supervisor.

Scientific Conference IPSA in Bosnia and Herzegovina: «Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions?»

Scientific Conference IPSA in Bosnia and Herzegovina: «Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions?»
Iryna Zhyrun, a PhD student of Doctoral School of Political Science of Higher School of Economics in Moscow, attended an international scientific conference «Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions?». The conference took place at University of Sarajevo on June, 12 -15  in 2019 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

Application through Federal Quota is open

Application through Federal Quota is open
International students are elible to apply for full-tuition scholarships provided through the Federal Quota Scheme funded by the Russian government